Simon, the present Laird of Craufurdland, and Adity met whilst studying for a part-time MBA, at Strathclyde Business School, back in 2000, where they worked on many projects together and their romance blossomed.
In 2003, whilst lecturing part-time at Strathclyde University in the Naval Architect department, Simon started to work for the estate initially on a part-time basis. Whilst on the course they married and moved to a small cottage on the estate. They went on to have their 2 girls Indra and Manisha and Simon gave up his lecturing career to work full-time for the estate.
The family moved into the Castle in November 2011, just before Indra’s 6th birthday, and she thought this was her present and the best ever.

Simon and Adity say it’s their sense of fun and joint passion and determination for the estate that helps them work together as a husband and wife team. They continually rib each other as to who is the better Engineer, the Naval Architect or the Mechanical Engineer.
Their passion for working together continues to this day as does their romance. They have both continued on the path of diversification into hospitality and tourism with an emphasis on being “eco-friendly.”
Both Simon and Adity are very hands on the estate and a lot of the projects are physically carried out by Simon and Adity in conjunction with their team.
When not working on the estate, Simon enjoys off-road running and mountain biking sometimes on the estate. He enjoys the challenge of training and taking part in the Glencoe half marathon. He also enjoys nothing better than reading a few chapters as a bedtime routine to help him unwind.
Simon’s love of classic cars, his beloved Triumph Spitfire 1970 mark 3 comes second only to his family.
Adity, Indra and Manisha all share the same sporting passion for Karate. Adity likes nothing better than an audio book to help her unwind whereas Indra uses the piano as her de-stress and Manisha the flute.