Our Vision
Our vision is about connections. To connect the natural environment and history of Craufurdland with the community, and for that connection to make Craufurdland an integral and valued part of the community.
Our mission, as set out in our SCIO purposes, is to provide community benefit by responsible use and development of the land and assets that constitute Craufurdland Estate for recreational, ecological and educational purposes and to promote training opportunities within Craufurdland Estate that improve the individual’s employability.

Our objective is to do this through:
- Recreational: Provision of mountain bike trails, walks and sports activities for the general public and also special needs groups
- Ecological: encourage projects which enhance, maintain and develop the varied natural environment at Craufurdland
- Educational: Work with schools, youth groups and educational organisations to optimise the educational and personal growth opportunities utilising the natural environment and history at Craufurdland e.g. through bushcraft sessions and nature trails. Identifying and utilising training and experiential learning opportunities at Craufurdland.
Latest News
- Core footpath closed for maintenance between Craufurdland and Dean.
- The Snowdrop Trail, a path between Fenwick Village and Craufurdland Estate, built by Friends of Craufurdland, SCIO, is officially open.