Memorial Trees

*Please be aware that some species are more ‘fragile’ and may not take well at the site.
Below is a list of approved trees for Craufurdland Woods:
FIELD MAPLE – Acer Campestre
MAPLE – Acer Plantanoides Drummondii
COMMON ALDER – Alnus Glutinosa
SILVER BIRCH – Betula Pendula
DOWNEY BIRCH – Betula Pubescens
ASH – Fraximus Excelsior
CRAB APPLE – Malus Sylvestris
BLACK THORN – Prunus Spinosa*
GEAN (wild cherry) – Prunus Avium
WHITE WILLOW – Salix Alba*
SWEDISH WHITEBEAM – Sorbus Intermedia
CHERRY PLUM – Prunus Cevasifera
At an extra cost: Beech, Oak, Chestnut, Rowan, Hornbeam
Memorial Tree and Plot Care
The woodland will be maintained and cared for with primary regard to its longevity and natural appearance, allowing the trees, wild flowers and bulbs to flourish. The estate will be using a buried microchip with a unique signature and an indefinite transmission life to identify each plot. Plots may be visually marked, if so desired, using small wooden or natural stone plaques placed near the ground so as not to interfere with maintenance. Plaques may be purchased from ourselves.